Martin Gerlings, CPA turned my $5,000 CCB debt into an $11,000 credit!

May 31, 2021 – Calgary, Alberta 

The Audit.

In October 2019, I received a letter from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) saying my Canada Child Benefits (CCB) account was under audit and further assistance had been suspended. I was told that I had to pay back $5,000 for benefits I had received and that I was no longer entitled to.

The letter also came with appeal instructions, and a list of records to submit. Doctor’s records, school transcripts, bank records, and bills containing my home address between 2016 – 2020. I spent weeks assembling my paperwork and getting it submitted – only to have my appeal rejected.

“Anxiety set in, Covid-19 quarantine begins, months pass and more demand letters arrive. I was so stressed.”

Martin Gerlings, The Audit Specialist.

 At my wit’s end, and with some luck, I end up meeting Martin Gerlings at a business network meeting. He is charismatic and funny, which is not something I typically attribute to accountants. His pitch to the room is that he provides thoughtful care to his clients – a white-glove approach.

Charmed, and with $5k on the line I set up a meeting. In my first meeting with Martin, he brings over a box of chocolates for my wife and family. He listens intently as I detail my situation and frustrations. Calmly and with an exceptional client care manner Martin reassures me. He spent the next 30 minutes walking me through the CRA My Account portal and helping me build confidence over how we will tackle my situation. He promises he will give his best to help me find a positive resolution. He promises that he will be with me every step of the way.

"I appreciate how Martin assumes control and accountability for not only the resolution of the problem but also demonstrating great mindfulness for my fears and frustrations."

Not only did Martin Gerlings make my $5000 bill disappear, but I also received a direct deposit credit from the CCB for $11,000!

Even with Martin’s help, we encountered resistance from the CRA on several occasions. All my frustrations were dispelled by Martin’s understanding and decisive action. Martin liaised between me and the CRA week after week for months. He always reported concise statuses, was clear on direction and set attainable expectations. True to his word, Martin was with me every step of the way.

"I can not thank Martin enough for his brand of professionalism, patience and unwavering positivity. The outcome of this audit was better than anything I could have thought possible. Martin Gerlings, CPA is a gentleman and a friend you should know even before the tax man’s shadow reaches your doorstep. His experience and wisdom will help you find light."

Call Martin Gerlings, Your Personal and Commercial Audit Specialist

DPG Accounting

DPG Accounting, Calgary, Alberta specializes in audits against small and medium-sized businesses. Offering free consultation.
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Martin Gerlings, CPA of DPG Accounting helped me with my audit and provided exemplary service. I am sharing my story because I believe Martin‘s knowledge and skill require acknowledgement. I know you know other gems in our community, please consider donating a Case Study to them. Communities serving communities let’s all get that win together!

Cyril Wong is the original Net Butlers. He has been building websites for over 30 years.

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